Estimation of visual discrimination in the white-tailed deer by behavioral assay

Watson, E.M., B.S. Cohen, D.A. Osborn, J.M. Brown and K.V. Miller. 2022. The American Midland Naturalist 187 (1):90-96. DOI:10.1674/0003-0031-187.1.90


Behavioral responses to ecological disturbances influence predation risk for a capital breeder

Abernathy, H.N, R.B. Chandler, D.A. Crawford, E.P. Garrison, L.M. Conner, K.V. Miller, M.J. Cherry. 2021. Landscape Ecology. DOI:10.1007/s10980-021-01345-0


Modeling abundance, distribution, movement, and space use with camera and telemetry data

Chandler, R.B, D.A. Crawford, E.P. Garrison, K.V. Miller, and M.J. Cherry. 2021. Ecology. DOI:10.1002/ecy.3583


Satisfaction of Public Land Hunters During Long‐term Deer Population Decline

Rosenberger, J.P., B.B. Boley, A.C. Edge, C.J. Yates, K.V. Miller, D.A. Osborn, C.H. Killmaster, K.L. Johannsen, and G.J. D'Angelo. 2021. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(4):608-617. DOI: 10.1002/web.1244


Deer movement and resource selection during Hurricane Irma: implications for extreme climatic events and wildlife  

Abernathy, H.N., D.A. Crawford, E.P. Garrison, R.B. Chandler, M.L. Conner, K.V. Miller, and M.J. Cherry. 2019.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20192230


Chronology of reproductive investment determines predation risk aversion in a felid-ungulate system

Crawford, D., M. J. Cherry, B. D. Kelly, E. P. Garrison, D. Shindle, L. M. Conner, R. B. Chandler, and K. V. Miller. 2019. Ecology and Evolution 9(6):3264-3275. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4947 


Geographic patterns in morphometric and genetic variation for coyote populations with emphasis on Southeastern coyotes  

Hinton, J. W., E. Heppenheimer, K. M. West, M. L. Karlin, D. Caudill, M. Earthman, J. C. Kilgo, J. Mayer, K. V. Miller, B. vonHoldt and M. J. Chamberlain. 2019. Ecology and Evolution 9(60):3389-3404 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4966


Variations in white-tailed deer antler size the effects of age, landscape composition and physiographic province

Quebedeaux, K. B., A. R. Little, N. P. Nibbelink, G. J. D’Angelo, C. H. Killmaster, and K. V. Miller. 2019. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies  6:146-155.


Estimating recruitment from capture–recapture data by modeling spatio-temporal variation in birth and age-specific survival rates

Chandler, R. B., K. Engebretsen, M. J. Cherry, E. P. Garrison, and K. V. Miller. 2018. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9:2115-2130 DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13068


Wildfire affects space use and movement of white-tailed deer in a tropical pyric landscape

Cherry, M.J., R. B. Chandler, E. P. Garrison, D. A. Crawford, B. D. Kelly, D. B. Shindle, K. Godsea, K. V. Miller, and L. M. Conner. 2018. Forest Ecology and Management 409:161-169.


A headache from our past: cranial abscess disease, virulence determinants of Trueperella pyogenes, and consequences of restocking white-tailed deer populations

Cohen, B.S., E.H. Belser, S. P. Keeler, M. J. Yabsley, and K.V. Miller. 2018. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54(4):  DOI: 10.7589/2017-09-216


Conjoined white-tailed deer fawns

D'Angelo, G.J., L. Cornicelli, C.E. Clarkson, and A. Wuenschmann. 2018. American Midland Naturalist 179(2): 299-302.


Behavioral response of white-tailed deer to coyote predation risk

Gulsby, W. E., M. J. Cherry, J. T. Johnson. L. M. Conner, and K. V. Miller. 2018. Ecosphere  9(3):e02141.10.1002/ecs2.2141


Understanding deer, bear, and forest trends in the North Georgia mountains:The value of long-term data

Little, A. R., G. J. D’Angelo, C. H. Killmaster, K. L. Johannsen, and K. V. Miller. 2018. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 5:97-105.


Resource selection by parturient and post-parturient white-tailed deer and their fawns

Shuman, R. M., M. J. Cherry, E. A. Dutoit, T. N. Simoneaux, K. V. Miller, and M. J. Chamberlain. 2018. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 5:78-84.


Intraspecific temporal resource partitioning at ungulate feeding sites

Stone, D. B., B. S. Cohen, J. A. Martin, T. Prebyl, C. Killmaster, and K. V. Miller. 2018. Current Zoology zoy051 DOI:10.1093/cz/zoy051


Home range size, vegetation density, and season influences prey use by coyotes in the southeastern United States

Ward, J.N., J.W. Hinton, K.L. Johannsen, M.L. Karlin, K.V. Miller, and M.J. Chamberlain. 2018. PLOS One 13(10):e0203703 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0203703


Multiple osteochondromas of the antlers and cranium in a free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

Kierdorf, U., K. V. Miller, S. Flohr, S. Gomez, and H. Kierdorf. 2017. PlosOne 12(3):e0173775.


Survival and cause-specific mortality of white-tailed deer neonates in a 3-predator system in Louisiana

Shuman, R., M. J. Cherry, T. N. Simoneaux, E. A. Dutoit, J. C. Kilgo, M. J. Chamberlain, and K. V. Miller. 2017. Journal of Wildlife Management  DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21257










Abernathy, H. N., D. A. Crawford, E. P. Garrison, R. B. Chandler, M. L. Conner, K. V. Miller, and M. J. Cherry. 2019. Deer movement and resource selection during Hurricane Irma: implications for extreme climatic events and wildlife. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20192230.