History of The Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
To prepare leaders in the conservation and sustainable management of forests and other natural resources; to discover ways to restore and better use the earth’s natural resources; and to put into practice forestry and natural resources knowledge.
64 faculty
>100 support staff
Teaching, Research and Service
Environmental Systems Analysis
Fisheries & Aquaculture
Forest Biology
Forest Biotechnology
Forest Biometrics
Forest Business
Forest Management
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management
Water & Soil Resources
Wildlife Ecology & Management
Spring 2018
Pre-professional: 119
Profession Program: 172
Fisheries & Wildlife: 165
Natural Resource Management and Sustainability: 9
Forestry: 48
Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management: 40
MFR: 24
MNR: 9
MS: 92
PhD: 75
Financial Support
Scholarships: >$180,000
Assistantships: >$770,000